Western North Region - Category A, B and C senior high schools

western north category A, B and C schools

The recently created regions resulted in the splitting of the Western Region giving Western and Western North regions. This list contains senior hi...

The recently created regions resulted in the splitting of the Western Region giving Western and Western North regions. This list contains senior high schools that fall within categories A, B, and C in Western North according to the recently updated 2020 schools’ register as released by the Ghana Education Service.

Also, in the 2020 updated school's register, as released by GES, Public Technical and Vocational Second Cycle Schools are now categorized among the public SHS into Category A, B, and C.

Whereas category D is a list of all SHS with DAY options, and Category E contains a list of all Technical and Vocational programmes offered by SHTS and purely technical and vocational schools.

The list also captures boarding or day, single or mixed sexes status of the schools. There are a total of about 17 Public senior high schools in the Western North Region.

Category A Schools in Western North Region: 

  • Currently no category A schools in this newly created region.

Category B Schools in Western North Region

Akontombra Senior High Mixed D/B
Asawinso Senior High Mixed D/B
Bia SHTS Mixed D/B
Bodi Senior High Mixed Day
Dadieso Senior High Mixed D/B
Sefwi Bekwai Senior High Mixed D/B
Sefwi-Wiawso Senior High Mixed D/B
Sefwi-Wiawso SHTS Mixed D/B
St. Joseph Senior High,
Sefwi Wiawso
Mixed D/B


Category C Schools in Western North Region

Adjoafua Comm. SHS Mixed Day
Bibiani SHTS. Mixed D/B
Chirano Comm. SHS Mixed Day
Juaboso Senior High Mixed D/B
Manso-Amenfi Comm. SHS Mixed Day
Nana Brentu SHTS Mixed D/B
Nsawora Edumafa Comm. SHS Mixed Day
Queens Girls' Senior High,
Sefwi Awhiaso
Girls D/B


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Contributor: myshsrank Source: myshsrank