Bono East Region - Category A, B and C senior high schools

Bono region category A, B and C schools

Bono East is one of the newly created regions in 2019 and has a total of 25 public senior high schools <...

Bono East is one of the newly created regions in 2019 and has a total of 25 public senior high schools which are classified into categories A, B, and C according to the recently updated 2020 schools’ register as released by the Ghana Education Service.

Also, in the 2020 updated school's register, as released by GES, Public Technical and Vocational Second Cycle Schools are now categorized among the public SHS into Category A, B, and C.

Whereas category D is a list of all SHS with DAY options, and Category E contains a list of all Technical and Vocational programmes offered by SHTS and purely technical and vocational schools.

Category A Schools in Bono East Region: 

  • No schools currently in this category

Category B Schools in Bono East Region

Amanten Senior High Mixed D/B
Ameyaw Akumfi SHTS Mixed D/B
Guakro Effah Senior High Mixed Day
Jema Senior High Mixed D/B
Kwabre Senior High Mixed D/B
New Longoro Comm. SHS (Dega) Mixed Day
Nkoranza SHTS Mixed D/B
Osei Bonsu Senior High Mixed D/B
Our Lady of Mount Carmel  Girls D/B
Prang Senior High Mixed D/B
St. Francis Seminary/SHS, Boys D/B
Techiman Senior High Mixed D/B
Tuobodom SHTS Mixed D/B
Yeboah Asuamah Senior High Mixed Day


Category C Schools in Bono East Region

Abeaseman Comm. Day SHS Mixed Day
Atebubu Senior High Mixed D/B
Busunya Senior High Mixed D/B
Gyarko Comm. Day SHS Mixed Day
Kajaji Senior High Mixed D/B
Kesse Basahyia Senior High Mixed Day
Kintampo Senior High Mixed D/B
Krobo Comm.Senior High Mixed Day
Kwame Danso SHTS Mixed D/B
Kwarteng Ankomah SHS Mixed D/B
Yeji SHTS Mixed D/B


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Contributor: myshsrank Source: myshsrank