Why Wey Gey Hey Is The 2nd Oldest SHS and Mfantsipim the 1st?

In our months of research and gathering of data, we discovered all senior high schools and their years of establishment, which enables us to provide a complete list of the oldest senior high schools to the newest.
We discovered that Mfantsipim School is the oldest senior high school established in 1876 by the Wesleyan Methodist church during the Gold Coast era. That is 143 years ago!
Read also: The history behind the oldest SHS in Ghana, Mfantsipim School
Also, myshsrank.com came across Wesley Girls’ Senior High which began in 1836 not as a Secondary School but as what could be best described as a basic school for girls. Its purpose was to give young girls basic training in housekeeping and catechism.
Read also: Top 10 Oldest Senior High Schools in Ghana
It was also another Methodist initiative by one Mrs. Harriet Wrigley, the wife of the second Methodist Missionary sent to the Gold Coast.
[according to data gleaned from website of the 96 old girls of Wey Gey Hey]
Link to the website provided at the end of this article.
Wesley Girls’ school celebrated their 181st Anniversary in 2018, which meant that they recognize the establishment of the school in 1836, but technically as Senior High School status, they would be 135 years in 2019.
According to the CLA96 and the school’s website, the Senior School aspect of Wesley Girls was started in 1884 by Rev. W.M. Cannell, the headmaster of Mfanstipim school at the time.
So, by this data gathered we confirm that Mfantsipim School is the oldest senior high school in Ghana and Wesley Girls’ Senior High the 2nd oldest.
Congratulations to them and their founding founders!
We will soon be releasing the top 100 oldest schools and the full list from oldest to newest.
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Website to Wey Gey Hey 96 old girls: http://www.wghs96.org/about-us/history-of-the-school/