WASSCE 2020 reminds us of SSCE courtesy COVID-19


Could we

Could we say this is one classical example of how history repeats itself? Who would have thought that there will come a time again when SHS candidates would have to take a home-set examination as it was the case with SSCE in the early 1990s through to the middle of the 2000s when WASSCE was introduced to replace SSCE.

In fact, one will not be too wrong to say all the 2020 WASSCE candidates and many previous years’ candidates, especially those born in the 2000s will not have had any idea of what S.S.C.E is. In this article, we briefly tell you or refresh your memory about what S.S.C.E used to be.

SSCE stands for Secondary School Certificate Examination, which was the examination taken by Senior High School students from the early 90s to 2005 when it ended. It was an examination and grading purposely designed for only Ghanaians as a means of accessing their preparedness for university or tertiary education.

WASSCE was introduced and began in 2006 and taken by all Anglophone West African countries who are members of WAEC, and not all countries in West Africa.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the government of Ghana announced that final year SHS students will write a Ghanaian version of the WASSCE as the pandemic has made it impossible for the exam to be held by WAEC member countries as it used to be. The examination however will be conducted by WAEC.

It is expected that the WASSCE 2020 Ghana version will commence from 3rd August 2020 and end on 4th September 2020, according to Ghana Education Service (GES).

At myshsrank.com we wish all SHS final year students success and encourage them not to be dismayed but remain focused. The people who can change according to time and situations are those that succeed.

Read also: COVID-19 – GES considers usage of phones by SHS students

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Contributor: myshsrank Source: myshsrank