
B.A. English OVERVIEW It is not enough to

B.A. English


It is not enough to speak and write English. Understanding the nuances of the English language and perfecting its grammar, pronunciation and other key elements of the language has become even more crucial in a globalised world controlled by the Western world and its media. English is by far one of the most popular languages in the world, spoken by hundreds of millions of people in the continents around the world and used in international quarters for diplomatic, trade and business transactions, sports and entertainment. With the increasing hegemony of the US, and the UK, speaking and writing good English has become a great avenue to accumulate wealth. This programme ignites a great passion and love for writing and reading in prospective students, preparing them for exciting and rewarding career opportunities in script writing, editing, journalism, law, public service, international diplomacy etc.


At the end of this programme, students must;

• Develop a great passion for reading and writing.

• Show greater understanding of global issues.

 • Be proficient in speaking and writing the English language.

• Broaden their scope of knowledge on a wide range of issues.


The world needs competent people with superior command over the English language to take up key positions of power and wealth. Be it media, education, law, writing, movies and general entertainment, civil and public service; understanding and speaking English has become a necessity. This programme prepares you for that exciting world, arming you with the key requirements in writing, imagination, critical thinking and practical reasoning.


Students are assessed through a combination of assignments, examinations and projects.


Class discussion, lectures, assignments, oral and written assessments.


UG’s B.A degree in English opens the door to a wide variety of careers. Many graduates have gone into teaching and translating. A lot more have also embarked upon successful careers in business and commerce, industry, the civil service and the media. The expected skills gained with the study of modern languages - cultural awareness, communication, and accuracy and planning and logical analysis - are highly valued by employers from all sectors of the economy.


In determining eligibility for admission to Level 100 programmes, applicants’ aggregate score in the three core and three elective subjects as indicated below shall not exceed 24.

• Core Mathematics, English and Social Studies • Three Electives

Source : myshsrank /Johnny Doe

Contributor: myshsrank Source: Johnny Doe