UNIVERSITY OF GHANA : B.Sc Nursing & Midwifery


OVERVIEW Nursing and Midwifery are healthcare professions that focuses


Nursing and Midwifery are healthcare professions that focuses on the care of individuals, families, and communities in order for them to attain, maintain, or recover optimal health and quality of life from conception to death.

As professional/practice disciplines, Nursing and midwifery embrace theories and models from the natural sciences, behavioural sciences and humanities in nursing and midwifery practice.

They equip students in the knowledge, techniques and procedures for promoting health, providing care for the sick, disabled, infirm, children, pregnant women and other individuals or groups.

It also includes instruction in the administration of medication and treatments, assisting physicians during treatments and examinations, referring patients for specialist care and planning education for health maintenance.

The B.Sc Nursing programme with options leads to professional qualification in General Nursing, Paediatric Nursing, Community Health Nursing or Mental Health Nursing.

The BSc Midwifery programme leads to a qualification as a midwife



At the end of the programme, graduates are expected to:

• Provide quality nursing/ midwifery care to individuals, families and communities

• Contribute to the enhancement in the performance of nursing/ midwifery care in all areas of the healthcare delivery system.

• Contribute through research to the growth of the body of knowledge in nursing and midwifery

• Provide specialized extension services such as mental health and community based services

• Use research evidence in daily practice.

• Demonstrate competency as a care provider, communicator, advocate, collaborator, coordinator, manager, educator, manager and change agent.

• Apply strategies, standards and ethical considerations to manage issues of professional nursing/midwifery practice in diverse health care settings.


Nursing and Midwifery has witnessed remarkable changes in recent times as a result of patients’ demands, changing healthcare trends and technology.

These changes have increased the nurse’s and midwives range of functions and the expertise needed to fulfill them.

Advanced care nursing in recent times is focused more on specialisation in multiple areas such as: Accidents & Emergency, Paediatrics, Gerontology, Oncology, Palliative Care, Community Health, Medical Surgical and Nursing Administration.

Technology is also changing nursing and midwifery practice; creating opportunities beyond the four walls of a clinician’s office, outpatient department (OPD) or hospital room to provide care.

One such growing area is Informatics where nurses and midwives combine clinical solutions with ICT to provide health care and maintenance services across time and space.


Students will be assessed on the basis of completed assignments, examinations, workplace learning, or other methods as outlined in specific subject outlines


Three categories of applicants will be considered for admission to the BSc. Midwifery programme.

i. Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) holders or its equivalent (will enter at Level 100)

ii. West Africa Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE) holders (will enter at Level 100)

iii. Diploma in midwifery/ nursing (all categories) (will enter at Level 200)

SSCE holders will have passes (grades A-D) and WASSCE holders will have credit passes (grades A1-C6) in the following subjects:

a. Three (3) core subjects comprising Mathematics, English and Integrated Science

b. Three Elective subjects from the following:

i. Chemistry, Physics, Biology or Elective Mathematics

ii. General Agriculture, Physics & Chemistry

iii. Three General Arts Electives

iv. Two General Arts Electives plus Food & Nutrition

v. Any three of the following Electives: Economics, Management in Living, Food & Nutrition, Chemistry, General Knowledge in Art and French.

Note: *This four-year degree programme will have Level 100 counting towards graduation.


Class discussion, Note dictation, Practical Sessions


• BSc Nursing and BSc Midwifery graduates work in a wide array of professional positions in both the public and private sectors including:

• Clinical practice/specializations

• Academia

• Quality Assurance

• Project managers

• Policy developers

• Researcher /Knowledge Contributor

• Hospital/Clinics

• Nursing administrative/ management positions

• Education

• Research

• Consulting community and public health centres

• Social work case management

• Insurance

• Non-governmental organizations (Local/ international)

• Business – hospital equipment etc.

Contributor: myshsrank Source: Johnny Doe