UNIVERSITY OF GHANA : B.Sc Agriculture Agribusiness

OVERVIEW Agribusiness combines the knowledge and principles of agricul
Agribusiness combines the knowledge and principles of agriculture, science, economics and business for the production, processing and marketing of agricultural commodities.
Agribusiness examines the structure and organisation of the agricultural food sector as well as the entire value chain extending from farm inputs, through onfarm businesses, to processing, transportation, credit and marketing. The cost-effective management and conservation of natural resources are also considered in Agribusiness.
Professionals in Agribusiness work as entrepreneurs, business consultants, product support specialist and agricultural finance advisors.
• Well-rounded knowledge on the principles of horticulture and sustainable production of fruit, vegetable and ornamental crops.
• An in-depth understanding of the theoretical concepts and methods pertaining to the development, support and maintenance of an agriculture-based business.
• Ability to analyse agricultural problems from various domains, design and implement appropriate interventions.
• Demonstrate an understanding of the coordination and supervision of the development, implementation and evaluation of an agriculturebased business.
• Evaluate the wider social, political and business contexts within which agribusiness operates and the need for high ethical and professional standards.
The study and practice of Agribusiness is continually evolving. In the past, the focus on Agribusiness was for its economic importance but in recent times, it has become a critical component of society impacting on health, food security, technology and governance.
Today, Agribusiness emphasises market driven-system, commercialisation of small holderfarms, advocacy and policy reforms and the role of technology to satisfy industrial demand and customer preferences.
Due to scarce natural resources, Agribusiness Managers must find innovative ways of feeding the world on a more environmentally sustainable basis at reasonable costs.
Students are assessed through a combination of assignments, examinations and projects.
Lectures, class discussion and practical tutorials.
There are wide-ranging career opportunities in Agribusiness including:
• Managers of large and smallscale agricultural enterprises.
• Agricultural researchers, statisticians, journalists and educators.
• Marketing and commodity trading
• Product support specialist.
• Agricultural finance advisors