UNIVERSITY OF GHANA : Bachelor of Public Health (BHP)


OVERVIEW Public Health is the science that focuses on health promotion


Public Health is the science that focuses on health promotion and disease and injury prevention through research, community intervention and education. Public Health integrates knowledge and practice from a range of fields including public health nutrition, epidemiology, oral health, family health, behavioural science and health


At the end of the programme, graduates are expected to:

• Demonstrate knowledge of the core disciplines of public health and their relationship to the ecology of public health.

• Be able to compare and contrast the resources used to determine the health status of local, district and national groups, communities, and populations.

• Be able to describe behavioural and non-behavioural variables contributing to morbidity and mortality as a consequent of chronic and communicable diseases and injuries.

• Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the contributions of distress, nutrition, physical activity, and the misuse and abuse of drugs to morbidity and mortality among specific groups, communities, and populations.

• Be able to assess the progress and outcomes of a health promotion programme in relation to established standards.


In recent times, population-based initiatives have become the key drivers of public health service. Public Health is increasingly going education, public health surveillance, health management information systems, occupational safety, environmental health and sanitation.

The interdisciplinary nature of Public Health allows for an in-depth study of the social and environmental factors that cause poor health; together with the factors that create and sustain good health, beyond the medical traditions of individual diagnosis, treatment and cure.

Researchers are now focusing more on societal approaches to the promotion of health and the prevention of disease and injury among diverse populations and communities.

Ongoing initiatives include prevention programmes at schools and workplaces, control of diseases and improvement and redesign of health services. Also included are population trends, lifestyle and nutrition, the control of existing and emerging communicable diseases, industry pollution management and food and drug safety


Students will be assessed on the basis of completed assignments, examinations, workplace learning and projects or other methods as outlined in specific subject outlines.


The general University Admissions regulations and requirements shall apply in addition to the following:

Diploma Applicants

Applicants with Diplomas awarded by the University of Ghana, Institutions recognised by or affiliated to the University of Ghana and Institutions under the Ministry of Health shall require an FGPA of 3.2 or better/equivalent and shall attend a selection interview. Such applicants will be admitted to Level 200.

Other Diplomas

Diplomas awarded by institutions other than those indicated above may be considered eligible on recommendation by a special committee to be appointed by the Dean of the School of Public Health .

The committee shall assess the applicant’s transcripts and the course content of the diploma to determine the suitability of his/her previous training and make recommendations accordingly to the Dean.

• Short-listed applicants shall be required to sit an entrance examination and attend a selection interview.



Graduates of Public Health may qualify to work in positions such as Health Promotion Officer, Community Development Officer, Social Planning Officer, Health Educator, Women’s Health Officer, Health Policy Developer, Planning Officer, Health Researcher, Partnerships Coordinator or Programme Evaluator. Other graduates work in a diverse range of areas including but not limited to healthy eating, physical activity, mental health, social inclusion, chronic illness (for example, asthma, arthritis, heart disease) and women’s health.

*WASSCE students are not eligible to apply.

Contributor: myshsrank Source: Johnny Doe