UNIVERSITY OF GHANA : B.Sc Engineering Agricultural Engineering

OVERVIEW Agricultural Engineering is a multidisciplinary science inv
Agricultural Engineering is a multidisciplinary science involving the application of engineering technology and biological science to agricultural, food and biological systems for the benefit of the human society.
Also referred to as “bioengineering” and “resource systems engineering”; Agricultural Engineering includes specialisation in power systems and machinery design; structures and environment and food and bioprocess engineering. It also emphasise soil and water conservation as well as innovative ways of processing agricultural products. Agricultural Engineers use their expertise in Research & Development, production, operations, sales and management.
At the end of the programme, students are expected to;
• Demonstrate a detailed understanding of the relevant theoretical foundations and concepts of mathematics, chemistry, biology, physics and engineering.
• Be able to conduct, analyse and interpret experiments and apply experimental results to improve processes.
• Be able to apply creativity in the design of systems, components or processes appropriate to programme or objective.
• Be able to identify, analyse and solve technical problems
• Demonstrate an appreciation for professional, ethical and social responsibilities.
Agricultural Engineering is undergoing rapid changes as a result of technological innovation and the quest for more efficient and sustainable agricultural systems.
A striking paradigm shift is the redesign of existing production systems and technology to help achieve ecologically sound and economically viable agriculture. Other new and expanding areas include the use of GPS (Global Positioning Systems) and GIS (Geographic Information System) for the management of variability and the adoption of systemic approach for technical-biological operations. Cutting edge research in Agricultural Engineering is also being applied in the
Students are assessed through a combination of assignments, examinations and projects.
See General Admission Requirements and Procedures pages.
Lectures, class discussion and practical tutorials.
Graduates of Agricultural Engineering work in diverse fields. These include Commercial Farms,
Natural Resource Conservation, Environmental Control, Central & Local Government and Industry. Agricultural Engineers typically work as:
• Process Engineers
• Design Engineers
• Consulting Engineers
• Water Resource Engineers
• Biological Engineers
• Waste Specialists