
OVERVIEW Dietetics is concerned with interpretation and communication


Dietetics is concerned with interpretation and communication of the science of nutrition to enable people make informed and practical choices about food and lifestyle, in both health and disease.

The study of Dietetics is deeply rooted in the physiological, biochemical and behavioural sciences as well as social, environmental, cultural and psychological factors affecting food accessibility and dietary intake.

Aside addressing nutritional needs of patients, dietitians prevent and treat illnesses by promoting healthy eating habits and recommending dietary modifications. Specialty areas in dietetics include clinical dietitian, community dietitian, management dietitian and consultant dietitian.


At the end of the programme, graduates are expected to:

• Be able to translate the most up to date public health and scientific research information on food, health and disease into practical advice to facilitate behaviour change and enable people to make appropriate lifestyle and food choices.

• Show awareness of his/her role and sphere of influence within the organisation, and demonstrate the ability to work in a collaborative manner with a range of healthcare professionals and other staff in enabling safe and effective dietetic service delivery.

• Show familiarity with government policies for the provision of health care as they impinge on the dietetic service and understanding of policy issues concerned with public health nutrition in Ghana

• Demonstrate familiarity with the current systems for the provision of health care, education and social sciences and recognise opportunities to influence health and social policy and practices.

• Demonstrate a systematic understanding of the key aspects of the range of disciplines underpinning dietetics and ability to critically evaluate and synthesize these key aspects into dietetic care.


Never in the history of modern healthcare has Dietetics been highly appreciated than today. Unlike conventional medicine that focuses on illness and treating symptoms, Dietetics focuses on wellness and prevention of future illness by treating causes.

In many parts of the globe, dieticians are in high demand to manage food service systems for institutions, promote sound eating habits through education, and conduct research. Due to aging population and a growing number of diabetics, many dietitians are positioning themselves to address these challenges by specialising in renal and diabetic nutrition or gerontological nutrition.


Students will be assessed on the basis of completed assignments, examinations, workplace learning and projects or other methods as outlined in specific subject outlines.


Graduates of Dietetics work in a variety of areas in hospitals or in communities as health educators or managers. Others work in food industry, education, research, business, charities, media, sport s and freelance work.


Core Subjects Passes in the following three subjects; English, Mathematics and Integrated Science Elective Subjects Passes in the following three subjects: Chemistry, Biology and either Physics or Mathematics


Lectures, Class discussions, Practical sessions

Contributor: myshsrank Source: Johnny Doe