UNIVERSITY OF GHANA : B.Sc Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology

OVERVIEW Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology (BCMB) is concerned
Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology (BCMB) is concerned with the study of the chemical and physical principles of biological processes such as cell development and the storage and transfer of genetic information. It is a sub-discipline of the Biological Sciences and draws from Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Genetics and Molecular Biology.
Research is an integral part of BCMB. This is as a result of the fact that the programme is built on the need to understand the basic structural and functional units of life. Basic research in BCMB investigates among others cell development, growth and heredity whereas applied research focuses on developing products and processes to improve human lives.
Without such research efforts, enhanced methods of detecting diseases and genetic disorders together with the discovery of new drugs and medication such as those used in treating cancer and Alzheimer’s disease may not have been discovered. Other useful applications of BCMB include biofuels and genetically engineered crops. Enrolled students have the option of either pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry, Cell & Molecular Biology or a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry combined with a second subject such as Nutrition.
At the end of the programme, students are expected to:
• Acquire a comprehensive understanding of the molecular mechanisms of biological processes.
• Acquire the knowledge of the effects of substances such as drugs, hormones and food on tissues and biological processes.
• Develop proficiency in practical research techniques such as the ability to isolate, analyse, and synthesize proteins, enzymes and DNA.
• Develop the ability to use microscopes, lasers, and other laboratory instruments and equipment to conduct experiments.
• Be able to work on teams with other scientists such as chemists, physicists and botanist on research projects.
Dictated by increasing human population growth, BCMB is at the frontline for finding lifesaving new drugs and procedures to cure and prevent diseases. Aside creating new medicines and treatments, BCMB is also involved in the development of alternative energy sources such as biofuels. The age-old challenge of producing sufficient food at affordable cost is another focal area of BCMB. By using genetic engineering, BCMB scientists hope to address this challenge.
The body of knowledge in the Life Sciences has also been expanded by experiments in BCMB. Key among these are: understanding cancer and regulation of cell proliferation; manipulating genetic material and developing potentially useful applications (genetic engineering); the molecular and cellular basis of all major physiological functions and the molecular relationship between
viruses (such as HIV) and target host cells.
Students will be assessed on the basis of completed assignments, examinations, workplace learning and projects or other methods as outlined in specific subject outlines
Class discussion. Lectures, Practical Sessions.
The BCMB programme equips students adequately for further advanced study programmes or entry-level positions on the job market. Typically, BCMB graduates work as Laboratory Technicians or Research Assistants in hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, government agencies, forensics and academic research laboratories.