UNIVERSITY OF GHANA : B.A. Education English

OVERVIEW Promoting effective English teaching and learning in Ghana ha
Promoting effective English teaching and learning in Ghana has become an issue of immense concern. This has been necessitated by Ghanaian students’ poor performance at the national and international levels.
Producing teachers and education practitioners who understand what it takes to improve quality education and manage its delivery effectively is often lacking. The courses in this programme are designed to equip those who wish to begin a career in teaching English at the senior high level with skills to maximise student learning outcomes.
The skills acquired will also be transferable to other levels and contexts of education, thus make students graduating from the School equipped to work as assessment design specialists and managers of educational change in general.
The programme desires to produce a unique educational practitioner able to diagnose problems of teaching and learning, and introduce innovative practices that can lead to significant improvements in the learning experiences of all English Language learners.
Provide research opportunities to explore and understand how education particularly in the Ghanaian context, mediate social equalities and inequalities. Understand how literary, and other creative, representations of voice contributes to our ability to tackle long-running and complex problems in the sector.
Prepare students who will be conceptually and practically competent to facilitate the expectations accorded to English education in Ghanaian senior high schools. Develop the capacity of students to use ICT to enhance teaching and learning.
Use data from school contexts to inform their practice through engagement in action research through the evaluation of education interventions and practices in the Ghanaian context. Develop an understanding of how effective schooling is achieved in diverse international contexts.
English language is a compulsory subject in the curricula of all Commonwealth countries and some countries outside the Commonwealth. In many societies, English language and particularly English grammar is part of everyone’s life. Many people in English speaking countries feel uncomfortable about their knowledge of the language and are therefore not empowered to take advantage of job opportunities in their respective countries.
Furthermore, a lot of business transactions around the world are conducted using English language and this situation has led to proliferation of English language schools throughout the world. English teachers are therefore needed in many English speaking countries.
Class discussions, presentations, seminars and workshops.
Graduates from this programme could be employed to teach senior high school English. The programme desires to produce a unique educational practitioner able to diagnose problems of teaching and learning and introduce innovative practices that can lead to significant improvement and experiences of all English Language learners.
Students are assessed through a combination of individual and group work, tests, assignments and projects and successful completion of supervised internship.