Pope John, Ofori Panin and Akwamuman SHS Qualifies – NSMQ 2019

The three schools are regional neighbors from the Eastern Region, qualifying into the one-eight stage of the NSMQ 2019 as the prelim enters the third day.
Pope John, the 2001 NSMQ winners, were pitched against Sonrise SHS and Adventist Girls’ SHS. Throughout the various rounds in the contest, Pope John’s SHS demonstrated a clear lead over their contenders. At the end of the contest the Vela Damus – Pope John pulled 57 pts to send Sonrise SHS and Adventist SHS parking back home with 27 and 21 points respectively.
Meanwhile, Sonrise SHS was a discovery and a sensation during the 2018 edition of the NSMQ where they brutally nearly sent Opoku Ware SHS home, but for the grace period called Top 18 Losing Schools with High Score. We wish them better lack in NSMQ 2020.
Read also: Top Losing Schools with High Score Grace Period to find out what it means for schools who lost in the prelim contest but still make it to the one-eight stage.
Ofori Panin’s fixture was one of the closest and one best described as seating on tenterhooks, especially getting to the end of the contest. They had to battle it out against Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Girls’ SHS and Tamale Islamic Science SHS.
By the second round, Tamale Islamic Science SHS had to give Ofori Panin one of the hottest chases, which scared their chances of progressing into the next stage, having already been absent from the 2018 edition.
At the end of round four, the difference in score was 5 pts with Ofori Panin SHS leading with 35pts. Into the most thrilling riddles section, Ofori Panin SHS managed to pull a trigger that ended the contest in their favor with 41 pts as against Tamale Islamic Science’s 36 pts.
Akwamuman SHS came against Drobo SHS and Ghana SHS, Tamale. At the end of the fourth round Drobo SHS was in the lead with 36 pts followed very closely by Akwamuman SHS with 35 pts and Ghana SHS, Tamale 30pts.
Into the last round, Akwamuman SHS pulled 44pts as against Drobo SHS 36pts and Ghana SHS, Tamale 33pts. This is one of the closest contests so far in the prelim stage.
Ghana SHS, Tamale lead with the problem of the day scoring 5pts with Drobo’s 4pts and Akwamuman’s 2pts, but that wasn’t huge enough to place them in a comfortable lead.
Congratulations to all the contestants from all schools for it is by the show of your brainy prowess do we all take pride.
There are 135 schools participating in the NSMQ 2019. 108 of them will battle it out at the preliminary stages, while 27 SHS will join the contest at the one-eight stage because they were seeded schools from NSMQ 2018.
Read: NSMQ 2019 SEEDED SCHOOLS to find out what seeded schools mean.
The contest ends with the grand finale on 11th July 2019 probably at the National Theatre.
Follow www.myshsrank.com to bring you very exciting reports and updates of the 2019 National Science and Math Quiz.