NSMQ2021: Sonrise SHS Kicked Out Holy Child School and Kumasi High School

NSMQ2021: Sonrise SHS Kicked Out Holy Child School and Kumasi High School

Sonrise SHS on November 15, 2021, kicked out Holy Child School and Kumasi High School in the 2021 National Science & Maths Quiz (NSMQ) to qualify to the Quarterfinal Stage of the competition. At the end of the contest, Sonrise SHS had 52 points, as against the 42 and 24 points that Holy Child School and Kumasi High School obtained respectively.

Here is a breakdown of the scores:

Round One – General questions on Chemistry, physics, biology and mathematics
Holy Child School: 18pts
Sonrise SHS: 12pts
Kumasi High School: 6pts



Round Two – The Speed race
Sonrise SHS: 23pts
Holy Child School:19pts
Kumasi High School – 7pts

Round Three – Problem of the Day
Sonrise SHS – 9pts
Holy Child School – 7pts
Kumasi High School – 4pts



Round Four – True or False
Sonrise SHS – 45pts
Holy Child School – 39pts
Kumasi High School – 24pts

Round Five – Riddles
Sonrise SHS – 52pts
Holy Child School – 42pts
Kumasi High School – 24pts

Contributor: myshsrank Source: Johnny Doe