NSMQ2021: Kanton SHS qualifies to the Quarter-final Stage with Just a one-point difference

It was a close contest for the three schools, particularly between Kanton SHS and Apam SHS. Kanton SHS on November 15, 2021, beat Assin S...
It was a close contest for the three schools, particularly between Kanton SHS and Apam SHS.
Kanton SHS on November 15, 2021, beat Assin State College and Apam SHS to qualify to the Quarterfinal stage of this year’s National Science & Maths Quiz (NSMQ). Kanton SHS won the Quarterfinal slot with just a one-point difference ahead of Apam SHS. They obtained 37 points at the end of the contest, whilst Apam SHS got 36 points, with Assin State College, securing 16 points.
Here is a breakdown of the scores:
Round One – General questions on Chemistry, physics, biology and mathematics
Kanton SHS: 17pts
Assin State College: 14pts
Apam SHS: 11pts
Round Two – The Speed race
Apam SHS: 23pts
Kanton SHS: 23pts
Assin State College: 12pts
Round Three – Problem of the Day
Kanton SHS: 27pts
Apam SHS: 23pts
Assin State College: 12pts
Round Four – True or False
Kanton SHS: 37pts
Apam SHS: 32pts
Assin State College: 10pts
Round Five – Riddles
Kanton SHS: 37pts
Apam SHS: 36pts
Assin State College: 16pts