NSMQ2021: Augusco Thumps Aquinas, Anlo SHS to Qualify For Quarterfinals

One of the much anticipated Oneeighth contests was held this afternoon with St. Augustine’s College recording a convincing win over St. Thom...
One of the much anticipated One-eighth contests was held this afternoon with St. Augustine’s College recording a convincing win over St. Thomas Aquinas SHS and Anlo SHS.
Sonrise SHS’s win in an earlier contest sent a strong message to fans who underrated Anlo SHS prior to the contest. Be that as it may, the contest was between the two favourites as Anlo SHS struggled to catch up.
Here is a breakdown of the scores:
Round One – General questions on Chemistry, physics, biology and mathematics
St. Augustine’s College: 22pts
St. Thomas Aquinas: 20pts
Anlo SHS: 12pts
Round Two – The Speed race
St. Augustine’s College: 44pts
St. Thomas Aquinas: 22pts
Anlo SHS: 14pts
Round Three – Problem of the Day
St. Augustine’s College: 48pts
St. Thomas Aquinas: 25pts
Anlo SHS: 16pts
Round Four – True or False
St. Augustine’s College: 61pts
St. Thomas Aquinas: 38pts
Anlo SHS: 23pts
Round Five – Riddles
St. Augustine’s College: 64pts
St. Thomas Aquinas: 41pts
Anlo SHS: 26pts