NSMQ 2019: St John’s Grammar Defeats Two Colleges - BEHECO and Ghana National To Quarter-Finals

The heat is on, new expectations being built while some are being dashed. This is what characterizes nerve-wracking contest like the National Science and Maths Quiz, especial the one-eight stage.
St. John’s grammar was pitched against frequent NSMQ participants and favorites, Bishop Herman and Ghana National Colleges. And from the lenses of many pundits and NSMQ followers, the two colleges in this fixture were considered veterans and favorites.
This was the 10th contest in the one-eight stage of the NSMQ 2019.
However, the St. John’s Grammar team started off with a slim lead at the end of the 1st round with scores:
St. John’s Grammar – 17pts
Bishop Herman College – 16pts
Ghana National College – 8pts
The problem of the day: The St. John’s Grammar boosted their chances, by being the only school among their contenders to score 2 pts for the problem of the day.
The contest ended with St. John’s Grammar winning with 35pts as against 29 and 21 points for BIHECO and National respectively.
The win also means that Ghana National College has lost their slot as a seeded school to St. John’s Grammar, and will need to start all over again from the regionals to get to the national in NSMQ 2020.
Read also: NSMQ – What A Seeded School Means in the Contest
It’s a bitter-sweet feeling! It’s good news to St. John’s for their hard work paid off.
The exciting moments of the show are in the 5th Stage of the contest which is made up riddles.
Congratulations to all contestants for it is by the show of their brainy prowess do we all take pride.
Follow www.myshsrank.com to bring you very exciting reports and updates of the 2019 National Science and Math Quiz.