Krobo Girls SHS Set To Surprise Prempeh College and WASS – NSMQ 2018 Semi?

“We are inching closer to the Grand Finale. One more hurdle to cross…” this was a statement posted on the official twitter handle of the NSMQ.
Indeed, the contest is in its final but one lap, for us all to know who will win the bragging rights as the best school as far as the National Math and Science Quiz is concerned.
The contest has reached one of its electrifying stages – the semi-finals, and Krobo Girls’ SHS is one of such titans, that will leave no stone unturned having come this far.
Since the NSMQ started, a number of girls’ schools, especially the big names, makes their way into the national contest. And this year, the 2018 edition, is no exception but with a more improvement in the number of girl’s school making it into the contest and their performance.
In all a total of 10 girls made it into the one-eight stage, while six of them sailed through to the quarter finals, and this obviously could be one of the best years for the girls’ schools.
However, all but Krobo Girls’ SHS – the lone lioness, made it to the semi-finals.
This is a height well deserved taking into account the sterling and persistent performance of the Krobo Girls’ team from the onset of the 2018 NSMQ.
In the one-eight stage, Krobo Girls’ SHS came up against Nifa SHS and Dzodze-Penyi SHS winning that contest with a good 46 pts to secure their place in the quarter finals.
To secure a slot in the semi-finals, the lioness – Krobo Girls’ SHS, came up against another big name Holy Child School and St. Margaret Mary SHS, and sailed through with 34 pts. Holy Child school had 30pts while St. Margaret Mary SHS managed 21 pts. It was a close content anyway!
Krobo Girls’ SHS in the semi-finals will surely face a fierce contest from defending champions, Prempeh College and another NSMQ 2018 shinning star West Africa SHS.
But will the girls’ school pull a rather fierce surprise on Prempeh College and WASS SHS? Their fixture comes off at 4pm Monday 2nd July, 2018.
Harriet Fiagbor and Jemima Obeng will be leading the force for the Krobo Girls’ SHS. We wish them well!
Meanwhile, for the 25 years of the NSMQ contest a girls’ SHS is yet to win the bragging right as champions. congratulate the girls for coming this far! We look forward to seeing you in the finals.