Kadjebi Asato Senior High 60th Anniversary Is Coming Soon

The school which is popularly known as KASEC is located in the Oti region of Ghana. The school was established by the Ghana Education Trust on 5th September 1959 and it has made good disciplinary records which is the envy of many schools in the region.
Kadjebi Asato Senior High school is an institution with a vision of bringing up great future leaders as well as responsible citizens in the nation. The anniversary was launched on 9th March 2019 at the National Theater which took place successfully. The following activities are going to take place:
- The 60th anniversary Grand Durbar is on Saturday 16th November 2019
- Anniversary weekend is 15th to 17th November 2019.
The school is calling on all its old students to come celebrate with them. Keep the date and don’t miss this!
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