How to use Alfa, Bravo, Tango, Delta to Communicate as a Young Person

If you’ve joined your senior high school’s cadet, some time back or currently, you may be very familiar with this style of communication, called the NATO Phonetic Alphabets.
What are the NATO Phonetic Alphabets? We can simply understand this as radiotelephone spelling alphabets. And its purpose was to help pronounce and understand the critical combination of letters and numbers.
The NATO Phonetic Alphabets assigns 26 code words to the 26 English alphabets that we use. Sometimes our accents make pronunciations sound different and can make it difficult to be understood.
These codes are: Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliett, Kilo, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-ray, Yankee, Zulu.
Alfa and Juliett are spelled in this way as opposed to the right way we know it as Alpha and Juliet.
For example, characters NX10D may be communicated as “November, X-ray, 1, 0, Delta” which may easily be confused with MS10G without the phonetic alphabets because “n” and “m” and “x” and “s” may sound the same in pronunciation.
The Phonetic Alphabets add clarity and understanding to our conversation.
It is used in everyday communication, in Military, in customer service calls, and in almost every field to speed up understanding in communication.
It also has a number of variations, but the goal remains the same.
So, let's have fun! How will you spell your name using the phonetic alphabets?
This is how we will spell myshsrank:
Mike Yankee Sierra Hotel Sierra Romeo Alfa November Kilo