How to get 8A’s in WASSCE

In this article, we will share with you three important tips: developing a positive attitude and mindset,
In this article, we will share with you three important tips: developing a positive attitude and mindset, taking action every day until you write your final paper, and having a technique for your final preparations.
You probably will have read a lot of articles on how to pass your WASSCE and thinking if it is worth reading this one too. Charlie, remember too much meat in a soup does not spoil the soup, it gives variety.
As Beverly Sills said, "there is no shortcut to anywhere worth going", same is true of success in the academic arena. Every student at this stage is thinking and planning on how to make excellent grades as preparations towards the long-awaited WASSCE 2021 reaches the final stage.
To make quite a number of A’s at this stage of the preparation is possible but it will be prudent to do things in a different way to achieve that result. Let us dive into the three tips.
Develop a positive & focused mindset
In the desperation for academic success, you must align your mental capacity to contain it. The first point towards getting 8 A's and doing very well in your final examination is to develop an attitude that positively affects your mindset.
Most students when told to develop the needed mindset, take this principle as a normal cliche and do not really consider that it is the single most important thing to position yourself for any kind of success. Having a total renewal of mindset is the starter for academic success. A mindset such as telling and reminding yourself that, "I can make the A's just like the others", "I will not give up solving past questions", "Let me use another 10mins to solve one essay" are very effective though they may look simplistic.
Do not only imagine what 8 A’s will be like but believe you are actually making that grade, otherwise just imagining will become like daydreaming. Every student loves and continuously wishes to get nice grades but only those who actually change their attitudes and way of approaching their preparations are guaranteed a better chance of excelling.
You can practice saying “I am getting 8 A’s in my WASSCE” until it becomes part of your dreams each day when you wake up. It will give you positive energy to take action.
Take actions every day until you write the final paper
As you positively work on your thoughts and mindset, it is time to take the boldest step. It is the step of "taking action" and "acting on what you have planned to do". If you told yourself you were going to move from 30mins to 40mins solving past questions, DO IT. Kill the devil of procrastination.
Action is when you allow your mind to align with your body to work towards achieving success. When your mindsets and thought patterns do not lead to change of action then it will only be a wish for academic success and not a genuine desire.
What you spend your time on you become. At this preparation stage towards the WASSCE, you can easily be deceived there is more room and much freedom such that you waste much time on unnecessary things that will take you far away from the 8 A's you plan to attain.
Remember these interesting statistics; five hundred and twenty-five thousand and six hundred minutes make up a year. To break it down further, it takes three million seconds to make a year, therefore you should know that a second loss especially at this final stage can affect the achievement of the entire year.
Have a study technique that you like
Study techniques is one of the final tips toward excelling in your WASSCE. An examination is testing of your understanding of a subject so you need to be strategic in how you approach it. Solving past questions is a great strategy that even people studying for their master's degree use.
Don't cram and pour past questions, it is not an effective strategy. The essence of solving past questions is to open your mind to what can be expected from you in a subject. Some students missed this out when they spend their entire preparation time "chewing" past questions and answers. Past question test your preparedness, gives you a clue and helps you work on your mental strength and even speed for the final exams.
There are no new questions in any subject, but every question can be set using different wordings. This should tell you that, what the examiner is looking out for is your understanding of something. This understanding is what should be your overall strategy while you prepare for the WASSCE.
Final Words
There is no success without hard work, the ultimate principle will be hard work and putting in your total best shot.
Avoid being on the fence and get into the field of developing a positive thought and mindset, taking actions, and practicing techniques that will work for you. You may believe in luck, but luck is meaningless if you are not prepared and if you do not understand what is required of you. Life is dependent on cause and effect.
You become what you spend your time on so spend your time on developing a positive mindset and let it lead to your action and your success will be a by-product.
Remember you do not only need to score 8 A's to gain admission into university or to further your education. If you think excellent you can achieve very good at least, so think big and workout big.
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