career opportunities with vertinary medicine degree

career opportunities - vertinary medicine

A degree in veterinary medicine not only qualifies you as a vet but also opens doors to related careers, in areas such as research, wildlife conser...

A degree in veterinary medicine not only qualifies you as a vet but also opens doors to related careers, in areas such as research, wildlife conservation and animal welfare

Job options

Jobs directly related to your degree include:

  • Animal nutritionist
  • Animal physiotherapist
  • Veterinary surgeon

Jobs where your degree would be useful include:

  • Animal technician
  • Ecologist
  • Environmental consultant
  • Higher education lecturer
  • Nature conservation officer
  • Research scientist (medical)
  • Research scientist (life sciences)
  • Science writer
  • Veterinary nurse
  • Zookeeper

Work experience

As part of your degree you'll need to complete a minimum of 38 weeks extra-mural studies (EMS), gaining real-life, hands-on work experience to enhance your university-based studies. This experience can include time in clinical practices, abattoirs, laboratories, food production facilities and with government veterinary services. You can also complete an overseas placement.

You're expected to take responsibility for your own learning and get involved as much as you can. Practical experience will include work with various species, including companion animals such as cats and dogs, horses, farm animals and exotic species.

Some courses offer the opportunity to spend an additional year as part of an intercalated degree, providing you with chance to specialise in an area of particular interest, such as pathology, conservation or zoology, to undertake research and to broaden your career opportunities. Taking this path means you'll graduate with both a veterinary medicine and a science degree.

Skills for your CV

As a vocational degree, veterinary medicine equips you with the specialist knowledge and skills that qualify you to work as a vet straight after graduation. The degree covers all aspects of animal health and disease, as well as the legal, environmental and ethical issues relating to animal welfare and public health. You also learn the relevant business skills related to running a vet practice.

You also develop a range of other skills that are valued by employers, such as:

  • the ability to analyse and evaluation information
  • interpersonal and teamworking skills
  • oral and written communication skills
  • customer care
  • decision making ability
  • problem solving ability
  • project and time management skills
  • self-motivation and initiative.


Contributor: myshsrank