career opportunities with classics degree


A classics degree develops your intellectual flexibility and analytical thinking skills. Discover

A classics degree develops your intellectual flexibility and analytical thinking skills. Discover the range of careers you could pursue

Job options

Jobs directly related to your degree include:

  • Academic researcher
  • Museum/gallery curator

Jobs where your degree would be useful include:

  • Archivist
  • Barrister
  • Civil Service fast streamer
  • Editorial assistant
  • Heritage manager
  • Higher education lecturer
  • Market researcher
  • Museum/gallery curator
  • Newspaper journalist
  • Secondary school teacher
  • Solicitor

Work experience

Studying a classics degree provides you with skills relevant for a number of sectors, including museum and gallery work, legal, teaching and academia, media and broadcasting, film and television, banking, consultancy and marketing.

Undertaking work experience in the area you wish to work in can be particularly helpful for future job applications. This could be a structured work placement, a part-time job, voluntary work or even a period of work shadowing. Use the time to develop your skills and to establish contacts within the industry.

Getting involved in student societies can also be a good way of developing skills related to your chosen career.

Typical employers

The breadth of your degree makes you attractive to many employers, including:

  • art centres and theatres
  • financial institutions
  • the government
  • heritage organisations
  • legal firms
  • libraries
  • museums - these are a key employer for classics graduates wishing to use their subject knowledge
  • the police
  • publishing houses
  • research and information organisations
  • universities - sharing your expertise through teaching and research.

Skills for your CV

Throughout your classics studies you'll acquire a range of subject-specific skills, including knowledge of the Greek and Roman languages and cultures.

A classics degree also develops many valuable transferable skills, such as:

  • the ability to research, collate and analyse materials, including written documentation and statistics
  • critical evaluation skills and the ability to interpret resources
  • the capacity to formulate impartial and coherent arguments
  • good spoken and written presentation skills
  • group working and self-management skills, including being able to meet deadlines.

Contributor: myshsrank