career opportunities with a web design and technology

With technical skills from this practical degree, web designers and developers are attractive to
With technical skills from this practical degree, web designers and developers are attractive to employers both in and out of the IT sector
Job options
Jobs directly related to your degree include:
- Applications developer
- Game developer
- Multimedia programmer
- Multimedia specialist
- SEO specialist
- UX designer
- UX researcher
- Web content manager
- Web designer
- Web developer
Jobs where your degree would be useful include:
- Artworker
- Database administrator
- Information systems manager
- IT sales professional
- Software engineer
- Software tester
- Systems analyst
- Technical author
Typical employers
There are many web design agencies that specialise in creating and maintaining websites for other organisations. If a company doesn't use these services, they usually have their own web designer or in-house team.
You may prefer to set up your own design business or work as a freelancer.
Alternatively, your flair for design could see you working for a small design studio or an advertising firm.
Your development skills could lead to a job in software engineering, testing or even technical writing, which can be carried out in a variety of businesses. Large IT and telecommunication companies also value these technical skills.
Skills for your CV
Web design and development courses provide a range of technical skills in areas such as:
- data analysis
- database design
- digital marketing
- graphics and design
- multimedia production
- programming
- scripting/coding
- software development
- user experience design
- web application development
- website design.
These subject-specific skills are gained through projects as well as theoretical study.
You'll also develop a range of transferable skills, such as:
- communication and presentation
- problem solving
- project management
- research
- teamwork
- attention to detail
- time management and organisation.