career opportunities with a media studies degree

The creative industries are competitive, so use the skills gained from your media studies degree
The creative industries are competitive, so use the skills gained from your media studies degree along with personal determination to succeed
Job options
Jobs directly related to your degree include:
- Digital marketer
- Media buyer
- Media planner
- Media researcher
- Music producer
- Public relations officer
- Runner, broadcasting/film/video
- Social media manager
- Television/film/video producer
- Web content manager
Jobs where your degree would be useful include:
- Advertising account executive
- Broadcast journalist
- Editorial assistant
- Event manager
- Film director
- Magazine journalist
- Market researcher
- Marketing executive
- Media researcher
- Photographer
- UX designer
- Writer
Work experience
Media is a highly popular (and therefore competitive) field, so experience is critical. You'll need to be motivated and persistent in your applications.
To gain work experience and build up a portfolio of work, contact radio, television, newspaper, PR or advertising agencies (whichever match your career preferences) and ask about opportunities. Look out for summer placements, part-time and voluntary opportunities while on your course during the summer holidays or evenings and weekends. It may also be useful to get involved with your university radio station, paper or publications office.
Some courses offer the opportunity to undertake a work placement with a media or related company. This provides an excellent opportunity to develop practical and professional skills and to make industry contacts.
Typical employers
Media studies graduates typically enter careers in the media, cultural and creative industries. Areas of work include television and radio, film and video, digital media, computer games, journalism, writing and publishing, PR and media practice.
Employers include:
- communications agencies
- the Civil Service
- further and higher education institutions, such as colleges and universities
- local government
- marketing organisations
- media companies
- the newspaper industry
- PR consultancies
- publishing companies
- TV and radio companies.
Skills for your CV
The mix of theory and practice in a media studies degree helps you to develop skills in the following areas:
- critical analysis
- research
- commercial and cultural awareness of the media and creative industries
- teamwork
- initiation and development of creative work in writing, audiovisual or other electronic media
- a flexible, creative and independent approach to tasks
- the ability to work to a brief and meet deadlines.