Awudome SHS To Secure A Place for the One-Eight Stage Of NSMQ After Losing Prelim Stage

The National Science and Maths Quiz has been so trilling and exciting to follow since the 2018 edition began earnestly on 11th June 2018, with a lot of surprises and excitement in the pipeline as the 25th Anniversary edition heats up.
There are many surprises and hilarious moments and scores as is expected of such a highly competitive festival of contest.
As the preliminary stage of the contest gears up to the end for the one-eight stage to begin many losing schools with high scores are earnestly praying and hoping to secure a place in the next stage of the competition.
Awudome SHS is one of such schools is observing to most likely make up the list of the 18 highest scoring losing schools in the preliminary stage.
A post observed from an alumnus on Facebook which generated 200+ likes and reactions from other alumni
Awudome SHS scored 31 points trailing behind Armed Forces SHS (38 points) and Koforidua Secondary Technical who won their contest with 48 points comfortably securing their place in the one-eight stage.
On the list of the 18 schools likely to sail through Awudome SHS is interestingly seated at number 9 and with just six more contest to go the question that will be running in the minds of students and alumni is whether they will make up the list or not.
Making up the list of the 18 highest scoring schools who lost their preliminary contest, is one of excitement, panic and fervent prayers that the NSMQ generates as the contest heats up.
It is therefore interesting to note that in the National Science & Maths Contest loosing is not really a big deal but losing with a very low score is.
Here is the list of the 18 highest scoring losing schools as at 15th of June 2018 with just six contests to go, as pulled from the twitter handle of the NSMQ.