Senior High Schools in Ghana and their codes

senior high schools in ghana and codes

Each Senior High School in Ghana is assigned a code by the Ghana Education Service (GES). This code is used for many administrative and examination...

Each Senior High School in Ghana is assigned a code by the Ghana Education Service (GES). This code is used for many administrative and examination purposes across the country.


The codes have some patterns purposely for easy identification of a school, especially to determine which regions the schools fall under.


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SHS School Codes Pattern

Each school's code is mostly made up of seven digits. The first three digits determine the region to which the school belongs, and the last four are a school's unique code.

Example - Accra Academy's school's code is: 0010121

The 001 represents the Greater Accra region and 0121 represents Accra Academy's unique code.


The code pattern for each region is as follows:

  1. Greater Accra - begins with 001
  2. Eastern Region - begins with 002
  3. Central Region - begins with 003
  4. Western & Western North - 004
  5. Ashanti Region - 005
  6. Ahafo, Bono & Bono East - 006
  7. Volta & Oti Region - 007
  8. Northern, Savannah & North East - 008
  9. Upper East - 009
  10. Upper West - 010

Technical &  Vocational SHS Codes Pattern

Technical & Vocational Schools also have school codes, mostly seven digits but generally begins with 90 where the firs three digits determines the region.

Example - Wa Technical Institute code is: 9100101


The 910 represents Upper West (as shown below) and 0101 represents Wa Tech. Institutes unique code.

  1. Greater Accra - begins with 901
  2. Eastern Region - begins with 902
  3. Central Region - begins with 903
  4. Western & Western North - 904
  5. Ashanti Region - 905
  6. Ahafo, Bono & Bono East - 906
  7. Volta & Oti Region - 907
  8. Northern, Savannah & North East - 908
  9. Upper East - 909
  10. Upper West - 910

To search for a specific school's code without downloading the pdf use this search tool

Contributor: pysosu