
Mixed school



Region: Ashanti Region

District: Kumasi Metro

Locality: KNUST


Estimated Population: 1910


No. of Houses:

KNUST Senior High School was formerly known as the Technology Secondary School until 2007. It offers high school education and it is within the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Kumasi, Ghana. It was established in February 1961 by the then-vice chancellor of the University Of Science and Technology Dr. R.P. Baffour. The school being housed in prefabricated asbestos buildings thus started as the “Baby” of the University, that is, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in humble circumstances. From the onset, it was financed and staffed by the University. It was, however, hoped that the School would eventually move into permanent buildings on the University campus, and become a boarding institution. From its foundation up to June 1967, the School retained the University Secondary Technical School. The Technical course was abandoned because of lack of staff and facilities. It has since been known and called Technology Secondary School. The school was originally set up to give secondary school education to the children of the university staff. The school later opened up admission to the general public. KNUST Senior High School is a Class A Institution according to the West African Examination Council and the Ghana Education Service. It is a coeducational school, with an enrollment of about 900 boys and 1010 girls.