OVERVIEW Mathematics is the body of knowledge justified by deductive
Mathematics is the body of knowledge justified by deductive reasoning about abstract structures, starting from axioms and definitions. As a Formal Science, Mathematics is not concerned with the validity of theories based on observations in the real world, but with the properties of formal systems based on definitions and rules.
In a broad sense, Mathematics goes beyond the study of numbers, counting and measuring to the study of number patterns, relationships and communicating concepts. The field is classified into Pure/Theoretical Mathematics and Applied Mathematics. Pure Mathematics seeks to identify unexplained issues and resolve them while Applied Mathematics uses theories and techniques to address pertinent questions and solve practical problems. T
he traditional divisions of Mathematics include: Arithmetic which studies numbers, Algebra which studies structures, Geometry which studies space, Analysis which studies infinite processes (such as Calculus) and Probability Theory & Statistics which study random processes.
At the end of the programme, students are expected to;
• Develop a solid grounding in the underlying theories and principles of both Pure/ Theoretical and Applied Mathematics.
• Develop proficiency in analytical thinking, quantitative reasoning and problem- solving skills to resolve mathematical issues.
• Be able to access, disseminate and analyse mathematical information.
• Develop mastery in computational calculations using a range of scientific software and technology.
• Be able to engage meaningfully with mathrelated specialists such as economists, engineers and physicists to address challenges by applying mathematical competence.
Mathematics continues to play a fundamental role in the transformation of today’s society. This is because Mathematics is central to any scientific discovery and invention.
Without it, science and technology cannot stand. At present, Mathematics is being applied to address problems in such diverse fields as Banking & Finance, Environmental Modelling (resources, biodiversity, weather & climate), Information Security (coding, cryptography) and Engineering (fluid mechanics, optimising industrial processes).Apart from developing new mathematics and creating models to resolve practical problems, mathematicians are also devising new methods of teaching and learning.
This includes integrating several traditional divisions of mathematics into a course and offering experiences to the student that seek to help them acquire a functioning understanding of basic mathematical concepts upon which, increasingly abstract or complex concepts are built.
Students are assessed on the basis of completed assignment, examination, laboratory activities and project or other methods outlined in specific subject outlines
See General Admission Requirements and Procedures pages.
Lectures, Class discussion and Practical tutorials.
The B.Sc Mathematics programme gives students a wide range of career options in diverse fields. They include among others;
• Accounting
• Actuarial Science
• Banking & Finance
• Computer Systems
• Engineering
• Insurance
• Information and Communications Technology
• Operations Research
• Software Engineering
• Statistics
• Data Science