UNIVERSITY OF GHANA : B.Sc Fisheries Science

OVERVIEW Fisheries Science is the body of knowledge that scientificall
Fisheries Science is the body of knowledge that scientifically studies the utilisation, management and conservation of aquatic plants and animals. As a multidisciplinary science, it draws on the knowledge and principles of interrelated fields like biology, ecology, Marine Science, statistics, genetics, economics, policy and administration and law.
At present, the socio-economic conditions of many communities that depend on fisheries are worsening. These challenges have caused a rethink of traditional fish management practice in many places. Fisheries Science is therefore of critical importance in understanding and addressing the challenges facing the fish industry; including harvesting, processing, marketing, management and conservation of fishery.
Areas where Fishery Science is applied include: species/habitat evaluation, life history & state of fish stock, monitoring and evaluation of commercial, recreational and aquaculture fisheries resources. The available options in the programme are: B.Sc Fisheries Science (Single Major); B.Sc Marine Science (Single Major); B.Sc. Fisheries Science (Major-Minor) and BSc. Marine Science (Major-Minor).
At the end of the programme, students are expected to:
• Acquire a comprehensive knowledge of fishery science, with a particular emphasis on the biology, assessment and management of fishery and other aquatic plants and animals.
• Be familiar with the scientific tools of data collection in fisheries science
• Demonstrate competence in compiling and reporting of fishery data.
• Be able to study and interpret policies related to fishery resources utilisation, management and conservation.
• Demonstrate awareness in the sustainable use of fishery resources and notable interventions to address fishery challenges.
Fisheries Science is an ever changing field. It has diversified to include other aquatic plants and animals and it is likely this trend will continue. The impacts of fishery on sea birds, rare fish, habitats and ecosystems; together with their social and economic knock-on effects are all considered under Fishery Science.
However, the concern of many Fish Scientists and other stakeholders in fishery is to provide the science to address the unresolved questions bothering on sustainable management and conservation. In this regard, Fish Scientists are providing critical information that factor ecological, economic, social and political considerations of the fishery sector for appropriate actions. Such evidence-based information is important for sound decision- making especially by legislators, managers and political actors.
Students will be assessed on the basis of completed assignments, examinations, workplace learning and projects or other methods as outlined in specific subject outlines.
There are numerous career opportunities in Fisheries. Besides advanced studies, job opportunities include:
• Feed Mill Manufacturing
• Fish Breeding
• Fish Export Marketing
• Fish Farming
• Fish Processing & Production
• Hatchery Management
• Marine Biologist/Scientist
• Ornamental Fish Culture & Breeding
• Research & Development